Do you watch "Dancing with the Stars"? It's one of my favorite TV reality shows. I admire the contestants; they have to learn two new dances each week and perform them with expertise. Imagine how successful the contestants would be if their partners, who are renowned dancers, didn't present the steps in order. While one moves this way, the other would move in a different direction with his or her feet doing something completely different. The outcome would be embarrassing. Process writing is exactly the same -- it's all about presenting the right step at the right time.
Successful process writing involves knowing your subject matter intimately. You are telling another person what to do, in exactly the correct order, using the exact materials needed in order to achieve a desired outcome. You can see how planning, as well as transition words and phrases, become extremely important to competent process writing.
Blog Assignment: On page 107 in the textbook, select either #2, #8, or #10 and write a process paragraph. Be sure to provide a topic sentence.
My Response: Last week I made one of the best meals ever - in spite of burning the sauce! I had been thinking about the combination of ingredients all day and I knew exactly what I was going to do to prepare this dish. When I got home from work, I laid out all the ingredients and began to cook. I forgot to turn the heat down to a simmer when I covered the saute pan, but I won't ever forget that again. Even my husband, who never eats olives, consumed every bit of his portion and asked for more. What more could a cook want? So, paying careful attention to all the details, I am sharing the steps to creating my healthy, low fat "Mediterranean Chicken Thighs."
6 skinless, chicken thighs, all visible fat removed
1/2 large red onion, thinly sliced
4 large cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
4 canned artichoke hearts, quartered lengthwise
12 pitted Greek salad olives, sliced
1/2 cup chopped eggplant flesh
1/2 cup low fat, low sodium chicken broth
2 Tablespoons Greek seasoning
spray oil
Spray a large saute pan with the cooking oil. Saute the onions for three minutes, until they begin to soften. Add the sliced garlic and continue to cook for 1 more minute. Move the cooked vegetables to the side of the pan. Place the chicken thighs in the center of the saute pan and season the accessible side with 1 Tablespoon of the Greek seasoning. Cook for 2 minutes. Flip the chicken thighs and season the browned side with the rest of the Greek seasoning. Move the cooked onion and garlic onto the top of the seasoned chicken thighs. Add the chopped olives, artichoke hearts, and eggplant flesh to the top of the chicken. Add the chicken broth to the pan. Cover, lower the heat, and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve over a bed of couscous (or your favorite side dish), spooning the sauce over everything. Enjoy!
Your Turn:
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