People often try to impress us with their fancy words and unintelligible concepts; however, I am one of those people who, when given a choice, prefers to encounter an example in order to really get at the idea someone is trying to present. The example can take many different forms. The point is that the concrete illuminates the abstract. So, let's see what that looks like when applied to a paragraph.
Blog Assignment: On page 80 in the textbook, select either #2, #5, or #12 and write an illustration paragraph. The topic sentence has been given to you. Now all you have to do is construct a paragraph that gives at least one example.
My Response:
Eating disorders harm people in many ways. Often, those negative consequences don't show up for a long time, but when they do, they can last for a lifetime. Take, for example, my sister. At the age of fourteen she was involved in her first "romantic" relationship. The break up with her boyfriend occurred around the same time that our father decided he was leaving our mother. My sister felt as though she was subject to the whims of other people in her life, so she looked to the one area in which she absolutely could exert control: what she put into her mouth. Subconsciously decided, my sister became anorexic. For well over a year she consumed only black coffee and jello. She lost a huge amount of weight (she weighed 54 pounds) that she kept off for several years. I remember being with her in the dressing room of a department store. She wore only her undergarments and she held onto her thighs as she looked into the full length mirror. Her words were, "I can't believe I am so fat." The reflection I saw through my tears was the image of a Holocaust survivor. After several years in therapy, my sister finally regained normal control over her eating, but even though she began to gain weight, she lost all her hair. Not only did she lose the hair on her head, but she lost it from inside her nose, lost her eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the hair on her arms and legs. The rare condition, which is a direct result of having starved her body for so many years, is called alopecia areata. Today she weeps about the unintended negative consequences -- her hairlessness being only one -- that her eating disorder has caused.
Your Turn:
Sign in and post your assignment in the Comment box. Preview your response so you can see what you need to correct. Make your corrections and click the Post Comment button. Please be sure to post your response no later than midnight of September 21.
most people have speical places where they go to relax or find a inspiration. I like to go to the gym. It all started in high school where I first step into the gym. the football coach said to me "this is a place where you can come and have all the time to think". I took those words to heart. when I walk into my gym I put my headphones on and not have to worry about my next class assignment or having a project done at work. I have been going to the same gym for years and every time I walk into there I hind something different work on. The gym is where i just go to get away from it all, when i run on the treadmill it clears my whole mind. I will probaly never leave the gym unless they got to kick me out.
ReplyDeleteEating disorders harm people in many ways. For example, take the “Queen Bee” in my private middle school. In middle school there were a group of girls I strived to be like. They all had the Abercrombie & Fitch jean shorts that covered barely anything, and the Juicy Couture sweater jackets. Later I found out that this is not who I wanted to be. After pleading with my mother for my first sleepover in 7th grade I went to Ms. Queen Bee’s house. Then it was time for me to brush my teeth. I quickly left her room feeling a tad drained by all the gossip and into her bathroom to brush my teeth. I was shocked by what I saw. The walls and mirror were dressed in pictures of super skinny models. I asked her why she had pictures all over her walls. She said they were “Womanly Figures” who she portrayed as true beauty queens, and they all were skinny. Sizing my friend up who was still eligible to fit into “Limited Too” clothing I felt distraught. The next day in the cafeteria bathroom I heard someone gagging. It wasn’t the sick sound of puking that comes out natural it was the forceful poke to the tonsil kind. I walked her to her lunch table where she pulled out a salad and a Dasani Water Bottle. I felt like I was too young to go through all this pain by seeing a friend like this. So I told a family friend who as well was my teacher. Her frail figure, and straight hair looked like it was falling out. Her bony fingers made it look as if a salad fork weighed 2 pounds. Then one day I heard the news from a trusted parent that she went to a girl’s only center for help and self esteem support. Two years passed and we were all in high school. She went back to being the “Queen Bee” but without the negative weight issues. Well maybe one issue was that she ignored me. But I’m glad I told someone I trusted because God only knows where she’d be now.
ReplyDeleteNo matter witch way I try to wiggle my thoughts to write this blog, it keeps bringing me back to that Beatles songs ' There Are Places I Remember'. A few weeks ago, one place that I remember not wanting to be in, was home. I wanted company for and adventure, but no brave souls for my request. So I had to find solace in myself and go on in search of that place or person to comfort me. I have been there before, I know. As I pressed North on Florida's Turnpike, my mind started opening with thoughts of my experience of the magnificence of the cliffs, canyons and sandstones of Zion National Park. Getting there was part of the process of the decongestion of my mind into the peaceful and serene, at times sharp shapes of rock formation. Considering the time nature took to carve such masterpiece,or save money hire the decorator, made me feel elated to be part of it, at the same time, very insignificant. Being there,breathing the thin cool air, taking in such a beautiful wonder, connecting, interacting and almost tasting the earth, using my last ray of energy to get to the climax of the highest pick, (not that I had any doubts),it reassured me of the power of God. Right there, I was in NIRVANA.
ReplyDeleteOK! The catch that my mind would not let go of the song, is because of the very special person that shared that place and moment with me...
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ReplyDeleteAfter reviewing the selection of topics to blog about, I picked “Misfortunes can sometimes teach valuable lessons”. The past six months have been very difficult for my friend, Jane. She has been faced with many misfortunes, for example her marriage of twenty-seven years has fallen apart. She has moved out of her home to live with her mother to help take care of her, since her mother’s health is failing. Additionally, about a month ago Jane was involved in a car accident, leaving her now carless due to the car being totaled. Anyone would look at this and say, “What else could go wrong?” When I went to visit Jane, she wanted to let me know that she understands she is being tested by a higher power. She only hopes for the best, and is grateful she is in good health and is able to take care of her mother while her mother is still alive. She said, “I may have nothing left to show forth material wise, but at least I can be there for my mother at this sensitive time.” I have reflected from her words with an outlook that many refuse to stop and acknowledge. Life isn’t about materialist gains. It’s the time we share with each other that matter.
ReplyDeleteMost people have special places where they go to relax or find inspiration. Whenever I need to unwind, I would go to my bedroom and sit in my favorite chair near the window, even fifteen minutes help me to become alive. I started using my bedroom as an escape place as a young girl, whenever I needed to be alone. It helps to know that I am able to go there and leave everything behind; hence, I look forward to my sanctuary every day. My son, for instance finds the restroom to be his special place. Whenever he needs to settle down after a long day of school, he flees to the restroom where he can be alone. While there, he loses track of time and can be in there for hours; sometimes I forget that he is home. Being there helps him to focus; for example, if he has to study for exams, or complete a school project he would go there to concentrate, thus, to come up with new ideas. For someone who is hungry most of the time; he even forgets about food while in his safe haven. It’s very fortunate that we have more than one restroom. On the other hand, one of my friends does not have or need to go to special places to relax. Whether at work or at home, as long as she is by herself, she is able to settle down.
ReplyDeleteWe all find our own special place to go and relax or to find inspiration. I have quite a few places I like to go retreat to in order for myself to find relation or inspiration. For instance, when I need new ideas for any case it maybe, I go take a ride on my wave runner in the middle of the lake and fish until thoughts come to mind. Secondly I love to go to the gym to really pump all of my stress out instead of taking it out on my loved ones o friends. Lastly, my most secret place I love to go and take a load off my mind is in the virtual world of my video games. It takes me to a whole different universe where I can be a hero and make a difference, but it eases my mind and I tend to forget about what is happening in my life for those few brief moments. Finding your place of sanity is very important for your health and your social life, it also keeps you focused on your goals.
ReplyDeletePaula Donaldson
ReplyDeleteProfessor McDonald
September 18, 2011
Illustration Paragraph
Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are serious illnesses that are characterized by over eating or under eating. These eating disorders harm people in many ways, such as altered body image, contribution to health problems, and tendency to be withdrawn. For instance, those suffering from eating disorders often have a low self esteem. Their body image can be disrupted when the idea is mentally instilled that an individual is overweight. The truth is that the anorexic person is actually underweight although this person thinks he or she is overweight; therefore, he or she indulges in binging practices. However, the common behavior of the bulimic person is to eat then to induce vomiting episodes. In addition, the influences of the media have strongly helped to control the beliefs of teens, and other individuals today. For example, one has to be thin physically with an expected body weight to fit into society. As a result, teens struggle with their body image when they try to emulate famous supermodels.
Because persons with anorexia nervosa do not consume a balanced diet, they are faced with health related problems, for example, severe constipation, low blood pressure, brain tissue damage, brittle hair and nails, and multi- organ dysfunction. These medical conditions can be treated, once help is obtained. If malnutrition is severe, hospitalization is necessary to correct these illnesses .Adequate body weight is gained in hospital, which gives these anorexic individuals a better chance to fight, or deal with these illnesses. Excessive exercises are discouraged to prevent calorie reduction. Since depression is often a problem faced by these persons, group therapy or individual therapy is sometimes used to help affected individuals talk and express their emotions openly.
Another example is, anorexic persons tend to withdraw or isolate themselves from society. The idea that they are busy trying to fix their body image causes them to forget about people present in their environment. However, group therapy helps them to be able to socialize again. Finally, there are many people affected with these eating disorders. However, these individuals can live a normal life if they are given the available resources to help them.
Most people have special places where they go to relax or find inspiration. In the past few months I've found that I love to take a walk in my neighborhood in the late afternoon or early evening. These walks give me time to reflect on my dreams and aspirations. This is a very intimate time to myself that I can think about what is ahead in the next week. While I take this time to relax and reflect, I can meditate on my manifestation board that I've constructed. While I let my thoughts go, I can see those dreams on my board coming true. This is not my only special place I have, I also love to attend my yoga classes. Yoga has helped me see the positive things that are going on in my life. It is very peaceful time for my mind, body and soul. For people to have a special place for themselves to relax and find inspiration is very therapeutic, and can benefit their lives in a very positive way.