It is true that everyone has an opinion, but not all opinions are based on sound reasoning. Sometimes our opinions find their justification in the strategically biased ramblings of people who have no idea what the true facts really are. And sometimes, which is an even worse scenario, the vocal party knows the truth but espouses the lie for his or her own gain. It's a shame, really. The only way a person can deliver him or herself from such villiany is to understand the tactics of persuasion.
I liken persuasion to going to war. A country just doesn't jump into war without having very carefully considered the enemy. The agressive country knows all about their enemy -- where their borders are, what kinds of weapons they are able to deploy, the number of able-bodied men and women who could be engaged in the fight, etc. To approach the idea of war from any other position would be suicide.
Well, frankly, the same is true of persuasive writing. Not only do you have to know which techniques would be effective against your opponent (the enemy), but you also have to know what arguments they will bring up to counter yours and strategically plan to oppose those claims with weapons of your own. You have heard that the pen is mightier than the sword, right? Duel on, my little writers.
Blog Assignment: On page 169 in the textbook, select either #1, #4, or #10 and write a persuasive paragraph stating your position and at least 3 reasons to substantiate your opinion. Be sure to provide a clear topic sentence that presents your viewpoint.
My Response: It's a nightmare scene out of a movie: you are driving home late at night; it's been raining. In the distance you see headlights. As your car and the oncoming one approach, the driver in the other lane begins to weave and aims straight for your car. There is no place for you to go to escape the awful impact you know is coming. Your life flashes before you, and you think of the spouse and children you will leave behind as the sound of screaming metal collides with your vehicle. I definitely believe that drunk drivers who cause accidents with fatalities should be charged with murder. According to, "There were 16,885 alcohol-related fatalities in 2005." This number is 39 percent of all traffic fatalities for that year. Frankly, that's a lot of people who died because someone decided to get behind the wheel and drive after he or she had been drinking. The United States has campaigned quite heavily over many years to alert drivers to the dangers of drinking and driving. Many bars will call a cab so that patrons who have been imbibing can arrive home safely. There is usually someone at a party who is the "designated driver" for the evening so that those who are polluted don't have to get behind the wheel and endanger themselves and others on the road. Real friends don't let their friends drive drunk. A person who has been drinking knows there are many alternatives to getting behind the wheel, so when they choose to drive and, God forbid, get into an accident that takes a life, then they need to be fully responsible for that life. I firmly believe that with all the stopgap measures in place for someone who has been drinking, the culprit should be charged with murder if a traffic fatality ensues.
Your Turn: Sign in and post your assignment in the Comment box. Preview your response so you can see what you need to correct. Make your corrections and click the Post Comment button. Please be sure to post your response no later than midnight of November1. Remember your Engrade option is still available should you need it; look for Blog #8.
Any kind of tragedy affecting loved ones, are, well... tragic. Specially for those living with HIV/AIDS. Years ago, being diagnosed with the disease meant being given the death sentence; for as little as was known about it. It has been more than thirty years that AIDS has impacted communities with devastating consequences. For as much as education has played a role in informing people about how the disease is transmuted, there is still stigma about people carriers of the virus. Because of the stigma and wide range of discrimination, makes it difficult for some people to want to get tested. Misinformation and or plain ignorance, the numbers of contaminated people are still growing. Family members of a person infected with the virus, carries the same stigma, seeing the person they love being ostracized and discriminated as opposed to being loved and cared for.
ReplyDeleteWe often hear the within a couple days after prom night there is always that one senior who was killed immediately in a car crash. You hear the facts how he/she was driving home drunk from an after party. We all know how gruesome and sad car accidents are. However, any one driving drunk should know that not only are they putting themselves in danger but others as well. I firmly believe that drunk drivers who cause accidents that result in fatality should be charged with murder. You are operating a vehicle larger than you that weighs a ton. I strongly believe in “designated drivers” they save lives for sure. A designated driver is one who allows them selves to basically be the caretaker of a friends car or drive their own while the other drinks. God bless the designated driver. I am underage and have still been a designated driver. I can only imagine the struggle for an adult to an adult when one is in denial of his/her drunkenness. Sadly, I am underage and I have had to see the negative effects of underage drinkers. It’s quite scary the statistics. I believe the driving age of 16 is too low. It needs to be upped to the age of 18. People who are going out to drink should be conscious of the decision they are choosing. One should always have a “designated driver” for safety of others as well as them selves.
ReplyDeleteThere are currently more than one million people living with HIV/AIDS in America today. These people have fallen victim to a devastating disease that only with a life time of medication can they live longer lives. Not only are they the victims but their families as well have fallen victim to this deadly disease. These are families that not only live being scrutinized by their own families and friends. Also by their community for the sake of having a family member who is diagnosed with a deadly disease that no one wants to get close to for fear that they will catch it themselves, under the assumption that with physical contact they will test positive. This type of discrimination has been ongoing for years and unless people wake up and educate themselves on the facts of how the disease is contracted from person to person, will this discrimination end.
ReplyDeleteI work in the engineereing ferm.I have a compunty email that I go through at work.It only purpose is to give out the compunty email and to read emails that are in the office. now i dont know if thet go through my or anybody else emails but i think its very dishonest if they do. I could be emailing a dear friend through a work email that i have not seen in a long time. Its also my responbaly to hide somethings that i say on them to. The compunty should not be alowed to view the emails its my business. there are some emails that i put to clients that only i should read. now if the wrong people read my job could be on the line. so i only sent to the people that i know and trust about what i send. you should have some privacy at work. you bust your butt then you dont want nobody over your back looking at your emails. its just rude. if my office started doing that i would leave them right there. so I dont think its ok or should be allowed to view another person emails. I would never work for a place like that.
ReplyDeleteDrunk drivers who cause accidents with fatalities should be charged with murder. Many people while under the influence of alcohol drive, but few ever get caught. Some drunk drivers get caught driving while under the influence of alcohol and get a slap on the wrist with a warning called a DUI charge, to perhaps stop the person before something serious happens. Driving any motor vehicle with the blood alcohol level of 0.8 or higher is illegal and is a Bomb ready to explode. It’s just a matter of time when the person who is driving drunk causes an accident. A person who may feel that it ok to go to Happy Hour to relaxes after a stressful day at work, or attend the Dolphins tale gate party after the winning game against the Jets, or just plan old selflessness; doing what you feel you want to do-drink and drive, with no regards to anyone else. If one’s action causes a fatal accident that takes my brothers’ life-or your neighbors’ life-or maybe his or her family’s life should be punished for the crime. Drunk drivers who cause an accident with fatalities should be charged with murder. Some cases are good examples, take responsibility for ones actions.
ReplyDeleteWaking up in a strange place with unfamiliar faces all around; your brain is totally scrambled up, you are in and out of consciousness, not able to move. Months have passed when you can finally recognize where you are. As you look around trying to make sense of things you notice that both of your legs are gone. The problems you were trying to forget still exist; in addition to the problems you just created. That is what happens to most people who made that statement. “Just one more drink.” However, before they know it, they have overindulged in alcohol. Without doubt I believe that drunk drivers who cause accidents with fatalities should be charged with murder. For example, “A drunk driver ran over a 25-year-old mother and her two-year-old son on Saturday. The young woman, who was six months pregnant, died on Sunday. Her son, who suffered head injuries, is in critical condition,” reported the newspaper Le Monde. Sadly, this news is not rare. Furthermore, each year thousands of people are killed or injured in road accidents involving alcohol. In fact, worldwide the cost of alcohol misuse in terms of human life is incalculable. Various options are available to those under the influence, such as calling a cab, call a friend or relative or just stay where they are until they are sobered up. But, because of their own selfish reasons; people are still choosing to get behind the wheel after consuming a significant amount of alcohol. I strongly believe those who drive while intoxicated and cause accidents with fatalities do not value life and should be charged with murder.
ReplyDeletePaula Donaldson
ReplyDeleteProfessor McDonald
October 24, 2011
Persuasive Paragraph
The consumption of alcohol by many has become a habitual practice, especially drunk drivers. This behavior is very risky and often claims the lives of innocent individuals. Therefore, drunk drivers who cause accidents with fatalities should be charged with murder. Drunk driving is operating a vehicle while intoxicated. The law enforcement officers, such as the state troopers, carry out random tests on suspected intoxicated drivers by using the breathalyzer to check their alcohol level. The law enforcers know how important it is to protect the lives of innocent drivers from reckless and carefree drunk drivers. In addition, we the law abiding citizens depend on these law enforcement officers to stop these drunk drivers on the road before they end our lives carelessly. Furthermore, according to the 2008 drunken driving statistics from the website “the total number of alcohol related fatalities were 13,846 while the total number of fatalities was 37,261 in that same year.” This statistic suggests that innocent drivers who value their lives, drive cautiously, and obey the road codes such as adhering to the speed limit and doing defensive driving to prevent accidents. These individuals are often the ones who die as a result of alcohol related accidents. The judicial system should enforce the law where drunk drivers are charged with murder for killing innocent people. Although some people may argue that drunk drivers do not have a clear thought process or good judgmental skills at the time of a fatal accident, and that they should be given a fair chance. The fact is, prior to driving they should think that they are risky drivers who need to get a designated driver that is sober to drive, instead of putting other people’s live at risk on the road. Without a doubt, these reckless and carefree drivers should be charged with murder when they commit this serious crime. For instance, can you imagine an innocent victim of alcohol related accident battling for his or her life in the hospital with death being the outcome? This innocent victim could be your family member. Therefore, if you believe drunk drivers should pay the full price for taking the innocent lives of others, then they deserve and should be charged with murder.