Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Final Blog (for this Semester)

Wow, I can't believe this will be our last blog for the Fall term! I'm going to miss telling you about myself and my family and reading what you have to say about yourself and yours. I really get so attached to my students, and this group is no exception. Thanks for sharing yourselves through your writing; it makes my "job" so much more meaningful. So, here we are down to the last assignment, and this one is especially personal. Find your instructions below.

Blog Assignment: Please respond to Writing Assignment #1 on page 587 of the textbook.  Here's where you get to let the activist within come to the surface. Don't forget to give me a clear topic sentence.

My Response:  When I read the news and listen to radio broadcasts, I surmise that sometime soon it is highly probable that the government -- local, national or both -- will pass legislation designed to silence Christians. Should this come to pass, I would fight, to the death if necessary, my right to be vocal about the God I serve. This country was settled by people who fled Europe and the United Kingdom because those governments infringed upon their citizens' rights to worship as they saw fit. The same thing is happening here in the United States. Instead of allowing religious freedom to all, the popular culture and the government seek to silence and humiliate Christians at every turn. Just because I do not believe what you believe, doesn't mean you have the right to demean me. It doesn't mean you have the right to expose my religious beliefs in order to discredit my educational or scientific theories. If a Christian responded in that manner towards a non-Christian, the Christian would be publicly disparaged; however, that same response does not hold true when a non-Christian vilifies a Christian. This is so shamefully in contrast with the tenets upon which this country was founded that I would fight, to the death if necessary, to ensure my right to believe as I decide and verbally express my belief without hatred or malice toward any other person or organization.

Your Turn: Sign in and post your assignment in the Comment box. Preview your response so you can see what you need to correct. Make your corrections and click the Post Comment button. Please be sure to post your response no later than midnight of November 10. Remember your Engrade option is still available should you need it; look for Blog #10.


  1. The one-child policy literally "policy of birth planning" refers to the one-child limitation applying to a minority of families in the population control policy of the People’s Republic of China. If this policy was to be set in law or in written form for America I would be devastated. I come from a big family of 13 cousins so family is everything to me. I believe that couples, if able should have two children. This helps the first born to not be lonely and many lessons are taught along the way from the first born to the next. I would fight against this law because I value family life and the morality of others. I know that if God is willing me to have children, I will have more than two. I think it is wrong for the government to tell a couple or family to only have one child. Its not giving them any freedom or the right to privacy to do as they please. I hope there will never be a day when this happens. I am thankful that this isn't the case in America.

  2. Before I was old enough to understand the meaning of the word dictatorship, I lived under such pressure. From what I heard from my parents and others, it was not a good situation to be in it. The first thing that was taken away from the people, was the right to express their own opinion. If you can imagine a poet without the right to verbalize his emotions within the pureness of a prose; a novelist being unable to relay passages, even if fictitious, but had any resemblance of reality; activists were forced into exile for what they had said; and worse, a journalist fearful of relating the truth. To many societies, it has been a has been; to others, it's still an awful cruelty happening today. Intelligent people are being castrated from their potential to excel and succeed because of the greed and power hunger of their leaders. Many people have already died for their cause of freedom.. The freedom of speech, the freedom of being financially independent, and the possibility to grow within it; and the proud moment to tell your offspring you helped to make it possible!

  3. Voting is a right, just as Christianity is a right and if a law is passed to forbid one from engaging in any religious activities I would fight for my right to serve God and live by the laws that have been established for every believer. The government al candidates where elected by the people with the hope that every decision made would be based on the principles that Americas first found motto was, “In God We Trust”, heard in the U.S. National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, written by Francis Scott key in 1814. Almost 200 years ago, what has changed? The motto was adopted and printed on U.S currency because of the increased religious sentiments existing during that time. Pray was once allowed in schools, but was taken out because a law was passed that it is no longer allowed. What is the world come too? If we as a people do not stand for something, we will fall for anything. There is straight in unity, standing as a nation believing and trusting in God for everything “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put your trust in man”. Yes, I would fight to my death for the right to pray. Prayer is the believer’s key to unlock heaven’s door, pray until something happens, for the entire nation.

  4. Everyone has rights under the constitution of the United States. With this knowledge in mind, if the government suddenly forbade me to engage in the freedom to worship, I would risk my life to fight for this right. The most important reason for fighting for this right is that I believe there is a supernatural being who is the author and finisher of all life here on earth. I also believe that he sees and knows all my challenges as well as my stressful situations in my everyday life. Therefore, the inspirational and joyful feeling to know that there is a superior being that does exist, and who will always delivers and protects me from unforeseen dangers, gives me the motivation to fight for the right to worship him. Also, the idea of knowing that God gave his only begotten son to die for me, so that I would have eternal life is really a blessing. Moreover, there is nobody in this world who loves me with that kind of love, and would give up his life to save the world. The strong faith I have in God to know that he will always be with me even in time of battles is enough for me to fight for this right to worship him. I know that if I risk my life by making him known and spreading his divine word then at least it’s for a worthy cause. Clearly, I am very grateful to God for sending his son to die for me, so the little I can do is to please him and to make him known to as many people as I can, by fighting for the right to worship him.

  5. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, we value our relationship with our Creator! We choose to do his bidding, which in these times of critical concern, is to share the teaching of God's Kingdom. In the 24th chapter of Matthew verse 14 the Bible states that the preaching work is to be done earth wide, at any cost, to enable mankind everywhere to gain salvation. This activity is bound upon all those who have dedicated themselves to our God and long to see his name sanctified. Freedom of religion means that the government allows religious practices of all kind; as a result, does not persecute believers in other faiths. But just like anything, that freedom can be reversed. If the government decides to withdraw our freedom of religion, I would risk my life and fight to the end. "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." Jehovah's Witnesses are known worldwide for their respect for law, order, and governmental authority. Therefore, we are willing to stand firm for God’s righteousness in spite of any objections or persecutions brought upon us. We bear in mind the scripture at Isaiah 54:17 and are confident even in the face of death, to stand firm for righteousness, knowing that God, our God, will reward us for our faithful course.

  6. While reading my classmates posts it occured to me that without "Freedom of Speech," we would not be abe to say anything that we as individuals believe "in." We would not be able to say or write of our own opinions, in fact this assignment would most likely be censored by the government. Where would we actually be without "Freedom of Speech"? I believe that every single bit of information would be censored and given to us by the government and we as individuals would have to believe what is being told to us and take it as face value. Without any "Freedom of Speech" I would not be able to say "I think that the Native Americans should have every right to have whatever they want from the government, considering they took everything from us." Is this my opinion? Yes. Am I for the Native Americans? Of course. Why? Because I myself am Native American. I say this with pride. This is my opinion and this is how I feel when I see that the government pays special attention to the other countries in this world, instead of helping solve its own countries issues like poverty, drugs and education among the Native Americans. Therefore having "Freedom of Speech" is crucial for us without it we would be nothing but a country that is silenced through our government.
