Are you fearful or anxious in certain situations? I know plenty of people who avoid elevators, though they don't both me at all. Others I know refuse to travel on an airplane, or drive on I-95. Every person, if he or she is honest, experiences anxiety about something. In your assignment this week, you will tell about ONE thing that causes you to be fearful or nervous. If you have been lucky enough to overcome that thing, explain how you did so. If, on the other hand, you have to use coping mechanisms, then you should explain what those devices might be.
Here's my example: I have always been afraid of cockroaches. Just the name of this creature sends shivers down my spine. I blame my irrational fear on my dad who, knowing about my fear, tried to "cure" it (ha, ha, ha) by chasing me around the house with a dead roach on the end of a flyswatter. I knew the dreaded insect was dead; however, that did nothing to stop my incessant screaming nor did it cure me of my fear. It was only when I became an adult and had to deal with cockroaches on my own that I learned to cope with this dysfunctional anxiety. Now, that is not to say that I am not initially paralyzed by my first encounter with one when I turn on a light and see those twitching antennae. I have learned, though, to face my fear by running out of the room and grabbing a can of Raid, running back into the room, and spraying it with what amounts to a lake of chemicals. Thank God for insecticide! And thank God that I know how to keep a clean home so that I don't have to encounter this vile creature very often.
Okay. Now it is your turn. remember to use vivid and descriptive language, correcting grammar errors (to the best of your ability) before you publish. You have until midnight on March 1st to post your response.
Prof. McD
My fear is driving at night. My vision isn't that good dealing with the night glare. I try not to go to places that I am not familiar with; I can drive to places that are regular to me, I can't judge the distance of the cars, the glare really gets to me. I have had my eyes examine, and have gotten newer glasses, but the problem still exists.
ReplyDeleteI had a fear to drive car on I-95 because I had no driving experience before I came to U.S. So I had to drive within the Jupiter city where I have been living,but about 2 years back I went to DisneyWorld where I got a very exciting experience from Rollercoaster since then I am able to overcome the nervousness,and Ican drive on I-95.
ReplyDeleteI have always been afraid of rats. Growing up as a child I spent every summer with my family in Spring Ga. The experience of country life, I learned how to planting and picking fruits and vegetables; raise chickens; and slop the pigs; is something I will always remember. I also learned about the field rats; these rats grow as large as a full grown cat. This rat would eat a whole loaf of bread; that was left out of the bread boxes; cereal, and a whole chicken left out to defrost. I no longer have too spent the summer in Ga., but I have not overcome my fear of rats, but I have learned to control my emotions when I see a rat.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that makes me fearful, I whould say the fear of failure. To not succed, and not to overcome and become successful. I overcome these fears by not wasting any time, nor money. I feel like everyday shouldn't be wasted so what that mentality, I feel that I overcame the fear of failure.
ReplyDeleteMy worst fear is to be trapped in a tiny space and not being able to get out. When I was around the age of 7 my girl class mates decided to lock my in the tiny bathroom in side of the classroom at lunch time when everybody was on the play ground including the teacher. They left me in the bathroom for 5 min. and when I got out I was hyperventilating because I was so scared I thought i was going to be in there longer. Still to this day I can not get over it I still have a hard time getting in to small spaces. I do not ever think i can get over it I am to scared to try to over come it.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest fear was driving on I-95. I tired everything in my power to avoid driving on that death highway (thats what i call it). This fear came when my best friend's father got in to a horrifying car accident late last year, and I was paranoid that i would get in one next. I've probably avoid being on the highway for 9 months till I realize I couldn't live like this, so I took baby steps and got on the highway and it wasn't that bad. I-95 is now my new best friend. -Shana
ReplyDeleteOne thing that makes me really nervous is being in the limelight. I don't really care for everyone looking at me it's bad enough to me that I am clumsy, but also it makes me feel strange and jumpy as I want to be done and be able to leave from the people who could place judgement on what I may have said, done, or even tripped over during the time of being watched. I haven't really found a way to cope with it to well other then to get it done as soon as I can.
ReplyDeleteMy worst fear was heights. One day I remember going to New York city to visit my dad, and he took us to a very tall skyscraper to get a good view of the city. As soon as we reached the top, my brother grab me and somewhat put over the edge. All I could see was how far down the ground was and how scared I felt. For many years I was terrified of heights, but I found a way to overcome it. I rode roller coasters to conquer the fear. As of now though I'm still a little scared every time I am up high somewhere. But I am glad the fear loses its tension on me every time I face it.
ReplyDeletemy worst fear is height. i remember when i was 12 years old i went to the south florida fair. my friend wanted to go on the drop of fear i was terrfied. some how i gain enough strength to do it. it wasn't as bad as i thought
ReplyDeleteshakita D.
I have always been scared of getting a tattoo. One day I went with a friend to her a tattoo, and it frighten me to hear the noise. My friend seem like she was in pain, and it was unbearable to watch. A year later it was my turn to finally get a tattoo. I was completely scared and nervous, I almost threw up (lol). When the needle finally touch my skin, it hurt alot, but I got use to it. So now, I have almost 7 tattoos.