Friday, February 18, 2011

Lifelong Learning

School is not the only place where learning occurs. We should be learning something every day we are alive. What have you learned this week? (Nothing academic please!)  Remember to use the R.A.G.E. writing strategy, to  properly punctuate your response, and to apply the appropriate grammar points we have learned in class so far.  Please respond by midnight on Tuesday, 2/22/11.

My response: I have learned that the older I get, the harder it is for me to operate on a shortage of sleep. When I consistently get too little sleep, I am easily distracted and much more serious than I need to be. To keep my joy and sense of humor, I need at least 7 hours of sleep.  Good night!


  1. Without food a baby can't get bigger,similarly without required studies students can't get a
    good result,but it is very difficult for part-time students those are to work(job)for money like me, I have to do two jobs.Even I am trying
    my best.

  2. I learn that sometime I have to show tough love to my younger brother. Even tough I love him, I have to be tough to him so that he will learn the values of life, and take control of his life.

  3. This week ive learned that I could not live without my friends. One day this week I spent a few hours without my friend marc and it was very depressing. Being alone is one of my big fears and having friends is a good thing.I love my friends.

  4. This week I learned that in the real world, people are out to get you. Your job, your position I learned that you have to cover your back no matter what. Also that you have to cherish your family and thank god everyday, for giving us what we have.

  5. I have learned that I have to have more patience with others. The older you get the shorter your tolerance becomes, and your laugher becomes less. But I am working on this problem

  6. I have learned that even with being sick you have to mind how you act and say things, as people my not understand how your feeling or whats going on in your personal life. They only know how you act towards them.

  7. This previous week I've learned that everything always doesnt happen the way you want it to. I was scheduled for a job interview for today. I was so excited to embark on a job opportunity. Until, the interviewer call and cancel because the position has been filled. UGH! Maybe it was my time.

  8. What I learned in this past week of my life is that money comes and money goes. In life you will have needs and desires and whether you spend your money on an necessity or a want the money goes, but in two weeks it comes. For instance I just got paid this week and I wanted to buy some shoes, but I also needed to pay for my test, so i decided to purchase the shoes and my test off for a while. But I thought to myself my money would've been spent anyway I put it whether it was a necessity or a desire.
