Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Change My Mind

Well, it's hard to believe we are on the downside of this semester already and that this is our last post. It has been a lot of fun reading your blogs; it has given me the opportunity to get to know you so much better. I wish you well in every aspect of your lives. 

This will be your last chance to let me know your opinion on some key issues. You know, though, that persuasaive writing is so much more than just presenting your opinion. The intention is that you, through the argument you present, will be able to convince me to change my opinion so that it aligns with yours. To do so, you have to know how I think (consider me your enemy). The more you know about the opposing side, the easier it will be for you to present information that will blow holes in what I believe. This is the strategy every efficient persuasive writer (and debater) uses. It is the bullet that cannot miss its target, for if I begin to doubt my own beliefs, you have a very good chance of changing my mind.

Blog Assignment: This week you get the opportunity to sound off about animal testing of medicine designed for human use or the deportation of illegal aliens currently working and residing in the United States. Remember your goal is to persuade me that your opinion is the correct one. You will respond to either topic #3 or #10 on page 260 of the textbook. 

My Response: I am a second generation American. My grandparents from both sides were born in other countries - Italy, Spain, and Cuba, to be precise. As such, I have a real interest in the issue of illegal aliens. My grandparents came to the United States purposefully, legally, and at great cost to themselves and their families. My Italian grandfather worked in the small village of Santomeno as an apprentice to a cobbler. He saved enough money to secure passage on an ocean liner for both himself and my grandmother. However, he came  first and he came alone, leaving his young bride behind for about 6 months. He didn't know she was pregnant and that she would make the trip and nearly deliver my mother while still onboard. What he did know was that he had to establish a business, set up a home, and have all his paperwork underway to make their stay in the United States permanent. He was focused and deliberate about their plans. I believe that all immigrants should operate the same way. If your paperwork says you can only stay for 6 months before you have to file for an extension, then that is what you must do. Abiding by the law is not only important on the face of it, but it establishes your relationship with your new country of residence. If you cannot abide by the restrictions in place when you arrive, then don't bother to come. I know that sounds harsh, but lawlessness does not ensure safety for those born in the United States. I do, however, also believe there should be some major changes to current immigration laws. No more "free" ride on public services. Immigrants should have mentors who will ensure employment. Employment that witholds taxes and social security, thereby eliminating the government services many immigrants receive. Immigrants on work visas who have children born in the United States should be required to decide within a short time period after the child's birth whether the child will be a US citizen. If they elect citizenship, then the parents themselves must also become citizens before the child's first birthday. What should the US do about those illegal immigrants already here? Does the family have at least one member who is gainfully employed and who is supporting the others? Let the family stay, but they must all become citizens. After all, our forefathers had to make the choice. They should, too.

Your TurnSign in and post your assignment in the Comment box. Preview your response so you can see what you need to correct. Make your corrections and click the Post Comment button. Please post your response before class on November 3.


  1. I think it is wrong to do testing on animals. Every living thing has a right no matter if it human or animals. Animal testing should not be allowed even if it can save someone life. When testing on animals there could be some good results that can later cause something to happen to that subject. For example, if a medical company was researching on how to stop people form dying; they would test their drug and see what will happen and if the results are good they would continue but there also could be some side effects that they did not catch. One really never knows what could be in their products. There could be some of the animal's DNA that could have accidentally fell into the product. For example, if someone bought lip gloss or face cream and they were allergic to like animal hair they could have an allergic reaction, which can be serious or not serious. One can tell if their product was tested on animals because it will say it on the product "was not tested on animals" or " was tested on animals". The company has to put that on their product so that they will not get in trouble because if they don't have that on their products then they can get into serious trouble. I think it is wrong to do any kind of testing on animals because they also have a right even though we cannot understand them. So yes i think animal testing should be banned.

  2. America the land of the free. But why is it the land of the free if the U.S finds illegal aliens, including students with expired visas and depots them. America was founded by immigrates so why are we deporting them? Christopher Columbus technically immigrated to America and the Indians did not kick him out. Most of our grandparents and great grandparents came from another country illegally so why is the U.S trying so hard to stop this? Most immigrates come here looking for a better life. Whether it is to further their education or to find a job to support their family back home. They come here to get away from a dictatorship or a corrupt government (not saying our own government is not corrupt). If you were to sit down and have a one on one with someone who immigrated here illegally and ask them what made them decide to come to America. They would most likely say “I wanted a fresh start, a chance to give my family more” so why would the U.S want to stop that from happening?

  3. I feel animal testing is disgusting,unfortunately it is done anyway.It makes no sense that products used for people have to be tested on innocent animals. It's crazy how many new medications are coming out. The whole world is being medicated .If it is a real medical product produced to save lives,the only acception for animal testing I could see would be on dying or sick animals that have the same illness as the human, not healthy ones just to see what the effects and reactions will be. After the animals are tested where do they go? The incinerator or a pile outside the testing site? You can't eat them or put them to any other productive use. Seriously, this is why we have waivers for voluntary human testing. If the humans need the cures so bad, the medicine needs to be strictly tested on the humans. The animals don't come and test on us when they get sick. Then people complain about where are all the animals going, " I can't believe that animal is extinct or near extinction". They do not just disappear into thin air. Animals reproduce after reproducing; eat,sleep,roam, reproduce.That may be one of the reason's people think it's okay to use the animals for testing and then discard them. I am definately for banning animal testing. History says that we evolved from apes due to so many similarities with intelligence and physical traits,but they do not just test on apes.They fill whatever animals they think will work the best with all sorts of combinations of medications, and wait to see what's going to happen.Then when the human is given this new drug it is still considered testing because it hasn't been tested on a human.

  4. Without animal testing medicine wouldn't be so advanced. Animal testing has helped scientists find treatments, cures and insights to viruses and infections. These findings benefit both humans and all animals.Some benefits from animal testing are vaccines for tetanus which comes from a horse, rubella from a monkey, anthrax from sheep, rabies from dogs and rabbits, treatment for aids was done on a monkey.Polio has been eradicated thanks to animal testing.Animal testing has its draw backs but so does everything else in world.At the end of the day it does more good than harm.Even in war some good people have to die for the better of the world.

  5. Animal testing is crucial for development of medicine and to insure it is safe for the consumers. While this practice is necessary for development, it also puts living creatures in potential harm. The importance of medicine benefits not only the safety of humans but also insures the safety of other animals. It's understood that the importance of development out weighs the negative effects of animal testing to Benefit everyone. Although people try to find alternatives, you can never be sure until you actually try it on the real situations.

  6. Animal testing should most definitely be banned. It is a cruel, ungodly act made by medical testers and scientists. Currently there are millions of animals, such as mice, rats, small cats, primates and much more that are used for testing medicine. Nowadays, these animals are used to tests makeup lines and perfume before given out to the human population. Animals do not wear makeup or perfume! I am sure it is quiet rare to see animals wearing lipstick. Not only is animal testing cruel, but these poor animals are kept in cages until scientists are ready to preform their next experiment. Of course, these animals are getting fed to stay alive, but keeping them locked up is not fair. These poor animals can develop certain mental illnesses, such as neurotic behaviors. Neurotic behaviors as in, spinning in circles, pulling their fur out and biting themselves. These god created creatures are basically killing themselves. Animals are meant to roam free and explore, not be tested on! The Animal Welfare Act does not even protect these animals. 95% of these animals used for testing are not even covered by this "Act". College/Classroom experiments use animals for testing and guess what? Millions of these animals die. I believe animal testing should be banned, and animals should be valued the same as humans.

  7. Yes, I believe all animal testing of medicines should be banned, even if such testing would save human lives. Animal testing is cruel. Of course animals and humans are not the same but animals have a life just as humans do. Imagine yourself being tested. They are cutting off your arms, legs and fingers. It’s disgusting and should not be allowed. No one should have the right to take a life for a life. Think of it the other way around, what if animals used humans to test medicines? Would that be right?

  8. The United States should have open doors to all illegal aliens who want more for their families. They leave their country and jeopardize themselves to make a better life for their families to live here. However, I believe that as long as immigrants are living productive lives (school or working) and not a threat to society that they should stay in the United States. It should be mandatory that they obtain the necessary paperwork to stay within a certain amount of time after they are caught. If they have not gotten the proper documents within that time frame then they should be deported. I also believe that it should be mandatory for parents who are expecting a child to already be establishing citizenship before child is born or by the time child is six months old. Students enrolled in school and whose visa has expired should be held accountable but not deported. They should be unrolled from school until all necessary documentation is presented. After all, the United States is the land of the free.

  9. I don’t think its a good idea for the united states to find and deport all illegal aliens, including students with expire visa because my mom was born in Trinidad and Tobago and living in a foregin country that has lots of violence everyday is a scaring place to live in. In Trinidad, the law in forcement isn’t all that good as for America. If someone got shot or kill, it will atleast take an hour to the crime scene. Not only does it take a long time for them to reach but say if you have to go to the hospital, there are only Two, one south of Trinidad and one north of Trinidad
    Most illegal aliens come to America to have a better life to escape poverty, violence and lack of education. In my opinion, you cant blame someone for leaving a bad life behind to have a good life.
