There are so many times we go through life and we struggle to find the reasons why a certain thing has happened to us. It almost seems as if our reasoning is programmed by the law of cause and effect. Sometimes there just is no apparent reason, thus the popularity of such books as When Bad Things Happen to Good People.
Cause and effect writing can be one of the most challenging rhetorical styles. To be good at writing an effective essay, the writer must really have studied the topic and be intimately acquainted with specific details to present to the reader. This form of writing is used powerfully in persuasive writing, where cause and effect is manipulated for the purposes of changing someone's mind. It is also used daily in business reports, textbooks, and media reporting. You can see,therefore, how important it is to be able to develop fluency in this style of writing.
Blog Assignment: This week you get the opportunity to show your knowledge of a specific topic. Choose wisely. Remember your goal is to either show the reasons for the popularity of an object or the effects of something on a person's life. You will respond to either topic #2 or #7 on page 253 of the textbook.
My Response: The way Americans eat is undergoing a change, albeit slow. As a nation we are finally recognizing the effects of the economically driven standard American diet, known affectionately as the SAD diet. This diet (or way of eating) is comprised mainly of processed food products (which are high in fat, sugar, and salt,) and is fueled by American corporations' desire for more and more profit. As the American food industry has grown, so have America's health problems. The process of refining foods involves modification of the original food product itself. Take, for example, white flour. This begins as grains of wheat from which the fibrous outer husks have been removed. This wheat is now ground into a white powdery substance, flour, which consumers (and other food manufacturers) can use to create food products like cakes, crepes, and breads. "So," you might ask, "what's the problem? I don't have time to grind my own flour, let alone have the necessary equipment to do so." The removal of the the outer husk is the problem. That is where the fiber lives. By removing the fiber from the food, industry has created a food product that, when consumed, is quickly turned into simple sugars (glucose) in the body. And, while glucose is indeed the fuel our bodies use for energy, an excess of fuel is stored as fat. The increased stores of fat (fuel for later) lead to obesity. The number of obese people in America is around 78 million (USA Today). Another effect of the rapid transformation of processed food into glucose is that the body becomes flooded with it. Our bodies are programmed to deal with excessive amounts of glucose by producing insulin, the hormone which regulates the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. But things really go wrong in the human body when the insulin signaling malfunctions. Reduced levels of insulin in the brain can lead to Alzheimer's and other neurolgical disorders. Diabetes (types 1 and 2) and Metabolic Syndrome are the most common effects seen. According to the US Office of Minority Health, nearly 26 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes and another 79 million have pre-diabetes. Finally, the lack of fiber and nutrients in processed foods can lead to constipation, malnutrition, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and possibly even cancer. There are studies that even link the consumption of processed foods with autoimmune diseases such as alopecia, asthma, and eczema. Obviously, Americans need to work at consuming more whole foods while reducing the amount of processed and refined foods in order to create a healthy life.
Your Turn: Sign in and post your assignment in the Comment box. Preview your response so you can see what you need to correct. Make your corrections and click the Post Comment button. Because I am late in posting your assignment, I have extended the deadline. Please post your response before class on October 22.
There are so many popular video games out but, the most popular one would be Halo 4 for Xbox 360. Halo 4 is one of the most popular games because it follows the series. Also once one beats the campaign he or she can go online and show off that they are the best. When playing this game there are so many playlists for online and also the graphics are amazing. When this was announced at E3 in 2012 every Halo fan was going crazy to get their hands on it especially me. For example, when preorder was finally released I tried to order the limited edition but it was sold out completely. Also this game was nominated for best game of the year and the company is also going to release a special edition. I know this because I play this game and I am a halo fan. This company will continue to expand this series because they are releasing the next one for the new system the Xbox one which is supposed to be awesome and follow the game Halo 4. That is why Halo 4 is one of the most popular game for the Xbox 360.
ReplyDeleteCompetition is the main reason why buissnesses sell new items or they sell the same items but cheaper. If you sell the best that there is then your buisness will for sure succeed. The latest game that came out called GTA V made over $1 billion dollars in just three days after release date. This game was sold out instantly everywhere, some people pre ordered their copy because they knew it was a game in demand. Guiness world record confirmed that GTA V broke 6 new world records including having the highest revenue generated by an enterainment product in 24 hours. This game is full of exciment, from adventure, to real life scenes. I myself have played this game and absolutly love it! I bought it for my boyfriend and he is addicted to it. Whenever I call him, it is no surprise he is playing this game. In my opinion, if this game can make that much money within a three day period, this game must be the best video game to have come out in 2013. The mission mode is fun, you can basically do anything in that game. Yes it does have violence, but only if you choose to. GTA V allows you to be someone who you can't be in real life, it gets your imagination going. This video game is also sold in different consoles such as Xbox 360 and PS3, so everyone can have a chance to try this game experience. GTA V is the greatest game that came out in 2013.
ReplyDeleteIt’s amazing how our bodies are alike, yet, different at the same time. Good nutrition is important for the body. Nutrients in both healthy and junk food alike give us the materials we need to build a strong body and fight disease. The body needs several nutrients like water, protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates to maintain a healthy body. In today’s world most Americans consume a lot of processed foods that are high in sugars and salt. As we all know too much salt can lead to hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure. Salt works on your kidneys to make your body hold more water. The extra stored water raises your blood pressure and puts a strain on your kidneys and heart. For instance, too much sodium in your bloodstream damages the delicate balance, decreasing the ability of your kidneys to remove the water. This can lead to kidney failure if high blood pressure in left untreated. It could also damage the arteries leading to the heart, which can cause a slight reduction in the amount of blood reaching the heart. This may lead to angina (sharp pains in the chest when being active). This will eventually lead to a heart attack because the heart isn’t getting enough oxygen and blood pumped thru. Eating less processed food and lowering your salt intake is a vital key to lower your blood pressure.
ReplyDeleteThe Iphone 5 is a truly amazing product on the market today. There are in-numerous applications and functions on the Iphone. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all other social media apps can be updated right on a persons Iphone. There are tons of apps available in the AppStore for every persons need. For example, several banks have their own personal banking app, so their customers can do banking right at their fingertips. Business men and women can set up their Iphone's to receive emails and keep in contact with their co-workers and customers. FaceTime is available to talk face to face with other people who have FaceTime, for free. Apple will always try their best to satisfy their customers. Apple comes out with a new Iphone almost every year and the Iphone's just keep improving. The camera and size of the Iphone increase and get's better with each new Iphone created. Of course with every product there is a downfall. Iphone thieves are desperate to get their hands on a new Iphone. These thieves can sell new Iphones for upwards of a thousand dollars in some foreign countries. But, there is an App for that also. People can download the "Find My Iphone" App and find the location of their Iphone. Cellphone companies can even track down Iphones for their customers. The new Iphone 5S and 5C come with a built in Finger scanner. Technology in general has expanded vastly and will continue to grow with time. Technology will improve more and more through each generation.
ReplyDeleteThe effects of shyness of pride on someone's life can either be good or bad.
Pride: Being Gay
Pro: Being gay could be a positive effect for someone because they could become very popular and out going. They could develop a friendship with many people through out school and life. In my years of experience in high school, I was named the most out going, popular gay person ever. Every one loved me and wanted to be around me.
Contrast: Being gay could also be a struggle for some people. Not all the gay people in the world become popular and outgoing. Some have the mind set that all people hate gay people and stay clear of people. Also some of the jocks in school or the class clowns could be the ones to make fun of you. In middle school I was never liked by many people because I had the attitude that no one would accept me as being gay. I hid from everyone and stayed clear from the jocks especially.
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ReplyDeleteEveryone is different in their own way, but not everyone is shy. Shyness is mostly common on persons that don’t feel confident about their selves. Like me, it’s extremely embarrassing when someone asks me a question and I don’t know, but in reality I do. The effects on someone who is shy can be turning all red. I think showing redness on a person face is the most common. Sometimes it’s for a good reason. Another effect on being shy is keeping their anger to themselves. Which I think it’s terrifying because it kills you deep inside. This can cause depression, people end up killing others and themselves for this reason. For example the ended killing his kids. Who would do that to his own family? Some people don’t know how to handle situations like this and defers on looking for help. There is help, but just too shy to ask.
DeleteVideo games have become extremely popular in the past 15 to 20 years. Reading books, watching movies and listening to music just don't cut it anymore. People want to escape their own reality, create a new one and video games allow them to do that. When you play a video game , you can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do, for example if you want to be a football player you can play the game madden NFL 2013, an assassin you would play Hitman, and if you wanted to be a soldier in the army you would play modern warfare. The games are so life like its easy to get addicted. Video games are also popular because of the billion dollar companies such as mircosoft and sony investing millions of dollars into promotion months before the video game or console is released.
ReplyDeleteThey are many reasons for the popularity of a certain product, musical group or game. For Example, the Iphone 5s. The Iphone5s has a fingerprint scanner which comes in handed for some people like if someone tries to steal your iphone, they wouldn’t be able to unlock the phone unless your fingerprint matches what the phone reads. Another feature that makes this phone popular is the camera quality and the software which it runs on. As for musical groups, i think it has to deal with, what type of music you listen too will make the music popular and im not a big gamer but i guess the graphics and how its set up will make it poplar But most important i think society plays a big role in making certain product, musical groups and game popular.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes so popular? is it the fact that you can post a personal video for the world to see? This appeals not only to teenagers but also to many adults. I guess people feel like this is their five minutes of fame. Whether its your own music videos, a silly stunt or a personal vlog its an easy way to share with the internet community. After people have watched your video they can post comments on it. But be wary that some of the comments are not to inviting. Some people even get into arguments on YouTube. People also have the ability to like or dislike your videos and subscribed to your channel. Now and days there are even people getting paid for posting videos on YouTube
ReplyDeleteThe effects of shyness can be a great impact in someone’s life. Shyness is an emotion that affects how a person feels and behaves around others. If you cannot understand the feeling of a person you may not understand them. When people are shy, they are unsure of themselves. People in the workplace, such as a boss of a company, may not like shy people. They need someone outgoing and who is at ease with themselves. They need an employee who knows how to react to new things because many people do not like change. If you are shy it will take you a while to adapt to the environment or situations. Being an introvert is a sign someone has a shy personality. Being shy may affect a raise or promotion at work, if you choose to remain unsure of yourself. Always be confident in who you are
ReplyDeleteSharpie brand permanent markers are some of the best,if not the best markers on the market. When drawing on unusual surfaces besides paper such as fabric,plastic, stone and or glass they work wonders. Instead of using a label maker you can just go find a Sharpie to suite your need pending on what you are working with . Sharpie markers offer different varieties,colors and sizes. This product became popular due to durability and eventually they made different styles like the fine point, double tip, and paint markers. Introducing a wide range of assorted color packs including the newer metallics made them more appealing.
ReplyDeleteWhen a person is shy, that can mean its a good thing or a bad thing. Being shy is an easy way in not wanting to meet new people. Being shy at your job is not a good thing. Usually a job requires you to be outgoing and energetic. If your shy, and cant reach those requirements, then you might get fired. Some people think that shy people are being rude because their not engaging in the conversation, but in reality you are just to shy to talk. What i'm trying to say is that you only live once. Always be sure you know who you are and don't be afraid to be yourself!!!
ReplyDeleteSubaru impreza wrx sti, one of the most popular cars for every day drive or for track . What sets subaru aside from the rest of the competitors is that they have one of the cheapest all wheel drive turboed cars, yet very reliable. The advantages from having the feature of all wheel drive is better control of the vehicle,. For example traction, in snow or heavy rain the advantage of having the "drive" of the vehicle spread over all four tires rather then only two (either front two, or back two) is astronomical. Its understood the same feature is offered in many trucks, Yet not many people are willing to drive the over sized vehicle in urban areas where its already difficult to drive a vehicle. In addition, many other vehicles that offer the all wheel drive feature come from a large engine, Tipically eight cylinder. While the subaru wrx sti has a 2.5 litre four cylinder turbo, which offers plenty of power but at the same time is very fuel efficent and with gas prices makes it much more appealing to the customer.
ReplyDeleteThere are many reasons why popularity of certain products, musical groups, or games. If you ever notice when new products come on the market they start their advertisement by airing commercials usually on popular television channels during some of the most popular shows . Some even go as far as to give free samples in popular grocery stores during rush hour depending on the type of item it is. Then on the other hand most musical groups get there popularity by the kind of audience that they are trying to connect with; or the message that they are sending through the song. Most video games get there popularity from teenage boys. They tend to advertise sports or fighting games that are most likely to attract the attention of young men as young as the age of 5 years old. They usually show commercials during half time of football games or on cartoon channels. They sure do attract a lot of attention when the use a famous athlete to play in the commercial or to advertise their product.
ReplyDeleteEver since I was a little girl, I had to deal with my pride. Its hard to learn your ways around your pride when you are a little girl. I played for a basketball team, all girls, of course we fought. Many times I had to leave practice because I much rather do that than forgive my teammates. For example, If the ball was passed to me the wrong way, or it hit me. I would get so mad, although they will apologize and help me get ice, I just couldn't forgive them because of my pride. Its always been a problem for me, I have family I don't speak to because they once hurt me and my pride will not let me try to work things out. I have lost friendships, family member, even relationships because I am to prideful. I am now able to control it a lot more but it still has cost me to much. You could loose what is most important to you over your pride and it scares me.
ReplyDeleteCell phones in general are a very popular product. In earlier times; when they were first invented, it became a revolution. To have a wired phone and transformed it into a wireless, portable device. It also changed the world of telecommunication. Today's phones are very high tech. They have the ability to do just about anything. For instance, check your bank account, social network, check your email, or even do your homework(like Im doing.) My point is, things we use to do on a desk top computer, we can now do on our mobile phone. I personally think computers will become obsolete in the near future